Thursday, December 29, 2011

Protect Natural Resources, Utilize Solar Electric Power

Solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, hydropower and biomass are some of the renewable sources of energy. Using of renewable sources of energy is good because these sources offer an environmentally friendly option than utilizing fossil fuels. There will be an improve energy security and energy independence if people use renewable source of energy. Also renewable sources of energy are the cleanest and safest energy sources. 

The well-known source of energy which is the solar energy is an environment-friendly and endless renewable source of energy. Solar power doesn't result in the emission of harmful carbon dioxide unlike the use of fossil fuels. The sun will be the unlimited source of energy and with right technologies can provide sufficient electricity that could be used in every single household or even in commercial and industrial properties. 

Six 'Hows' of Choosing Good Books For Your Children to Read

Selecting a book for children to read can be quite a difficult decision. Often you will make mistakes about choosing books such as choosing books that interest you more, are too difficult for your child, don't interest your kid. This article looks at six factors to help you choose books with more success. 

How it looks:-
When choosing books for your students or children to read, one of the first and most important things you should consider is if the appearance of the book is attractive to children. The child will see the cover of the book first, so don't choose something that looks boring. This will immediately lose their interest, especially for those who do not particularly enjoy reading anyway. Ideally, the book's cover should be colorful and give some idea of what the book is about. If you can capture the child's interest as soon as they first set eyes on the book, then half the battle is won. 

How long it is:- 
Another important factor to take into account is the length of the book. The more accomplished readers will have finished reading, when the rest of the children are still in the middle of it if the book is too short. If a book is too long, this can discourage children as soon as they see it. For children of ten and under, a book should take no longer than three to five days, and no more than eight to ten days for older children. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

All India Engineering Entrance Examination - 2012

Programme of Action (PoA), 1992 under the National Policy on Education (NPE), 1986 envisaged conduct of a common entrance examination on all India basis for admission to professional and technical programmes in the country. For admission to Engineering and Architecture/Planning programmes, Government of India vide Resolution dated 18th October 2001 has laid down a Three – Exam Scheme (JEE and AIEEE at the National Level and the State Level Engineering Entrance Examinations (SLEEE) for State Level Institutions – with an option to join AIEEE). This takes care of varying admission standards in these programmes and helps in maintenance of professional standards. This also solves problems of overlaps and reduces physical, mental and financial burden on students and their parents due to multiplicity of entrance examinations.